“Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again.” (Psalm 71:20)
This morning was my appointment to see my oncologist for my cancer markers and mammogram reports. Thank God for granting me another 3 months to live.
My CA 125 is 12.9 (versus 16.6 , 4/8/10) and CA 19-9 is 12.6 (versus 10.0. 4/8/10). Nowadays I have also experiencing less recurrence of post-menopause symptoms since almost a month ago after I practised qigong and Tai-chi, which I do in the morning and evening. To get the best out of them, one has to be relaxed and not in a hurry while doing them. Hence, they are very good for de-stressing and improving the blood circulation.
I was pleased and very glad to read the results of your blood test and I am sure I can speak on behalf of many of your friends and relatives. It is no doubt credit must go to your exercise regime and your desire to take your time for them. Knowing how disciplined you are, I am sure you'll soldier on physically. But do also ensure that there is balance - that your spiritual, emotional and psychological well-being are also well-exercised and you have a positive outlook of life. This brings me to the statement you made about 'God...granting you 3mths to live' What do you mean by this - it's puzzling to me! Surely you are going to live longer than 3mths! 'Our God's grace is sufficient for us, for His power is made perfect in our weakness', so that should discount your '3mths'!