Saturday, August 30, 2014

Uproar over 'penguins'

‘Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.’( 1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
Recently almost everyone is talking about ‘penguins’. It all started with the national library decided to pulp some children’s books which contained homosexual themes, but later decided to put them under the adult section. Some people think that the authority’s decision is based on religion ground which is inappropriate for a secular society like us. However, even in a secular society, they forget that there are shared common values which have their roots in religions. Some parents even said that they are the one who should decide what kind of books their children can read, not the library. That argument stands only if it is within their private home, not when it is in the library which is a public institution which must uphold the common norms and values.
There are appropriate ways of understand people with different experiences, circumstances, and respect the diversity, but it can be beyond a child’s understanding and discernment. ‘Who’s in my family’ is about two siblings and their parents off for a day at the zoo, and discovered that there are all kinds of human families along with a variety of animal families. ‘The White Swan Express’ centred on the adoption journey of four families, one of which has two moms. ‘And Tango Makes Three’ is based on a story of two male penguins in New York’s Central Park zoo which made a nest together. Later they managed to hatch an egg given by the zookeeper.
In the bible, there is no big or small sin. Homosexual is ranked the same as other forms of sin. Whether it is homosexual activity, pre-marital or extra-marital, heterosexual are all sinful ways to seek sexual expression and fulfilment. The goal should be to pursue holy sexuality, as someone puts it. If we are single, choose abstinence; if we are married, then be faithful (marriage between man and woman).

Saturday, August 2, 2014

In Memoriam: My dajie (1942-2014)

'Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.' (Psalm 144:4)

My dajie (means eldest sister in Chinese), whom I loved most among my siblings, passed away recently.
Dajie suffered all through her life. She was born during the World War II. Life was very tough, coupled with the arrival of many siblings, close to one another. Being the eldest in the family, she shouldered the most responsibility of helping up my mother;she also bore the blunt of my mother’s bad temper. By the age of seven while her peers were looking forward to their first day in school, my dajie already helped my mother to tap the rubber trees and farming.
Life after married was equally tough. She had to put up with a mother-in-law who was very steep in Chinese traditions. Besides her four children, she had to take care of the four siblings of her husband. She never given a birthday treat or a mother’s day celebration throughout her life.
Dajie has many talents and her memory is superb. Despite been deprived of any former education, she learnt everything on her own such as sewing, writing. I had sweet memories of my childhood days because of her. She would sew beautiful dresses for me, taught me Chinese when I was very young. There was also those Shaw Brothers’ Chinese movie treats when she received pocket monies from my mother.
The last six months of her life was terrible, having to endure the severe pain and the side effects of the strong painkillers. We wanted to put her in a nursing home as it had become increasingly difficult for her to manage on her own. She hesitated till the last two days of her life. Such is her perseverance, endurance and selflessness.
My bonding with this sister is so deep and strong that the only force that is powerful enough to cut short such bond is death. Time will heal my grief and the void of my heart, but I am glad that her suffering and sorrow are finally over. She is now in God’s warm, loving embrace. One day we shall meet again.