“Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." (Romans 1:26-27)
“Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable.”(Leviticus 18:22)
My younger daughter bought a thick book for her classmate as a birthday gift the other day. I have not heard of this book before, neither its author. She said her friend likes to read this kind of novel. My daughter then asked me to help her to remove the price tag from the back of the book cover. As I was doing it, the summary of the book’s content captured my attention. I was rather shocked by a Sec 2 student reads fiction novel of such theme!
It is about this woman who spent 10 years trying to get pregnant, and just when she was about to get her heart’s desire, tragedy destroyed her world. In the aftermath of loss and divorce, she throws herself into her career. She comes to work with another lady and their relationship moving from business, to friendship, and eventually blossomed to love. They decided to have baby of their own. Then she remembers that there are still frozen embryos that she and her husband have never used. But her husband having sought peace from his drinking problem, has found redemption in an evangelical church, and she has to get his permission to use it.
Such novel which centres on homosexuality theme though may be just a fiction story at this point of time, I am afraid that the ‘moral dilemma and controversy’ depicted in this book can come true one day. When a society allows and accepts such lifestyle as harmless and can be an alternative to traditional family and marriage, it will eventually disintegrate the family unit and harmony in the society. For Christians, the Bible is very clear on this issue though many condemn it as intolerant and narrow-minded.
I wonder how many of them are actually born 'genetically’ different which lead to such sexual behaviours. This factor (even if it is true) alone just cannot account for the rapid increase in the homosexual communities over the years. Homosexual partners now started to introduce babies into their ‘family units’ by adopting or IVF (with unknown 3rd party egg/sperm donor). Who will provide/decide the mother or father role? Will the child grow up normally or end up like those in dysfunctional homes with behavioural problems? I hope they spare a thought on the child’s welfare. In the recent Oscar-nomination, the movie, “The kids Are All Right” was nominated. It is about 2 lesbians raising two children. The kids seem to be normal. One of the kids goes out in search of her biological father and sperm donor. The man enters the “family” and sleeps with one of the lesbian parents. Are the kids really alright? Even Chinese movie industry recently also comes out with the lesbian theme movie called “All About Love”.
This trend of redefining the whole concept of family is going to cause the disintegration of families to accelerate. We need to be reminded that family is the building block of a nation and when it gives way, so is the nation.