Monday, August 23, 2010

Face the pain

Accept the pain, Future will be fruitful

There will be always reason for that pain

So face the pain, For the pain you face
There will be definitely happiness ahead
Don't ask for a lighter load,
But pray to God for a stronger back!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mooi Lan, when I see these pictures, I am also reminded of Jesus' command 'to bear the cross and follow him', meaning to be his disciples. Being Jesus disciples is not a bed of roses for having to carry the cross is a burden in itself. It suggests having to making sacrifices and to go things that goes against our old self and the lust of our flesh. But at the end of it all, there's the promise of being united with Him, for the cross is also our bridge, our way to Jesus and we can then rest in His arms thereafter. I've always love looking at these pictures for there's joy at the end of our life's journey on this Earth. I am also reminded that our life on this Earth is temporal, so we should 'lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven'(Matt 6:20)not on heaven, so the sacrifice is worth it.
