Monday, February 13, 2012

'Oasis of Hope'

‘A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.(Proverbs 17:22)

Someone by the initial of ‘T’ recently wrote a comment in my blog, wants me to introduce this website called ‘Oasis of Hope’ which offers ‘alternative cancer treatment’. Till now, I still do not who is this person but I would like to share my thoughts on this so-called ‘alternative cancer treatment’, hopefully he/she read them too.

Firstly, ‘alternative cancer treatment’ is not proven and the ‘fantastic’ claims from the people behind it are highly questionable. Secondly, is it worthwhile to spend that kind of astronomic sum which may mean just to ‘squeeze’ a few more months to be ‘alive’ but not living? How many of us have that kind of money like Steve Job to spend. We do have moral responsibilities to our loved ones not to drag them into financial tsunami. It is better to prepare our last days than remain in the state of self-denial. We have to bear in mind cancer comes about when the cells’ DNA are damaged and it is a very complex issue.

I read from this website that for ovarian cancer, the methods they used include ozone autohemotherapy, Vitamin B-17, high-dose of biotin (B7), Vitamin D, Selenium, fish oil, melatonin, intravenous Vitamin C therapy, Vitamin K, lymphocyte immunotherapy. They also used nutraceuticals like soy isoflavones supplements. Finally, they also worked with patients on their psychological and spiritual needs besides the physical needs.

My understanding is this, high-dosage of biotin (B7), B-17 and Vitamin K are highly toxic. Since the early 1950s, Vitamin B17 or amygdalins or laetrile has been promoted as a cancer cure. It is found in seeds of bitter almonds, apricot and black cherry. In fact, it has cyanide content and this promotion of Vitamin B17 (which is not a vitamin in the first place) to treat cancer has been described in the medical literature as an example of ‘quackery’ and as "the slickest, most sophisticated, and certainly the most remunerative [profitable] cancer quack promotion in medical history”. The famous actor, Steve McQueen died in Mexico following cancer treatment with laetrile and surgery to remove a stomach tumour.

However, I do agree that vitamin C, D, fish oil are good in boasting one’s immune system in order to fight the cancer cells. It is better to take soy isoflavones in moderation as studies have shown that too much of it can lead to breast and endometric cancers. Psychology and spiritual needs do have the important roles to play in one’s recovery.

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