US state dept has recently decided to make passport application forms “gender neutral” by removing references to mother and father in favour of language that describes one’s parentage ‘somewhat less tenderly’. The change is “in recognition of different types of families”.
When I read this, I just wondered what kind of changes they will make in the application form. Will it be parents of the applicant do not need to indicate their genders- whether they are male or female? Comes 1st February next month, we will know the answer (new application form will be out).
Will Singapore one day follow the footstep of US? Will we also legalised same-sex marriage and adoption, repel Section 377 Section of the Penal Code one day? If we accept that the only criterion for selecting an MP is based on whether he/she can perform and nothing to do with him /her private life, ‘that day’ will come sooner than we expect.